OSline Blog

Blog a felhasználóbarát, szép, és stabil operációsrendszerekről.


  • osliner: letrehozol egy virtualis gepet, engedelyezed a cd-t, aztan elinditod, es feltelepited ra az xp-t m... (2009.12.06. 19:27) Szükséged van néhány, csak windowson elérhető programra Ubuntun?
  • The User (törölt): @speed: Ez az egész nonszensz. Aki itthon vesz Apple terméket, az vagy nem tud mit kezdeni a pénzé... (2009.11.26. 17:02) Nem drága a Mac - 880 vs 1200?
  • Roy: A probléma megoldódott, kiírtam telepítettem és most működik, de még csak liveosan. (2008.12.08. 21:06) Ubuntu 8.10
  • osliner: a letoltott zip tartalmat bemasolod a home mappad .themes konyvtaraba. A .konyvtarakat a ctrl+h me... (2008.11.25. 07:59) Osliner Ibex Concept 2nd revision
  • osliner: Felreertettem, valami ujabb trollkodasra gyanakodtam :) elnezest. Ez esetben orulok hogy ezzel is ... (2008.11.15. 16:09) Valsag es a linux



2009.04.17. 01:07 osliner

Ubuntu Brainstorm

These are my thoughts of Ubuntu, and its features, future.

I’ve just read about Android being considered as an OS for HP’s netbooks, and I thought, why would they use a totally new platform, designed for mobile devices with small screens, no keyboards, etc.

I think the main reason is, that it has google behind, which is considered as a good partner in developement, and Hardware vendors believe, that Google is innovative, and powerful enough to make Android popular. I think Canonical should be a good partner, but they definitely dont have the power of Google.

They should have an App Store in Ubuntu. They already have the infrastructure with the Repository system, it souldnt be too much work to implement a store system in it like the iphone app store. It would make many more developer interested in linux/Ubuntu, since they could make money on succesfull apps, which would definitely raise the application qualities. Okay I can see the problem, when we have an app store, where everybody put there stuff, most of them for money, why would other people, who are the main engine of developement work for free on other projects like gnome, etc. I am still thinking on the right solution, its a problem, however not a reason to say no for the app store, just a problem to be solved.

However when you want to make application developers interested in your system, you need to have a good developer platform. Improve that GTK+ toolkit for god sake if you want them make useful gui designs, and develope an easy-learning IDE which would make people interested in putting apps together, if they have an idea. Now, if you would like to make a nice and usefull gui, its almost impossible in GTK.. really. If someone sees a nice one pls send me an email. It just doesn’t know the word eyecandy, its something gnome developers should learn from Apple.

Ohh my favorite app: Sticky Notes. Why the hell I cant draw on the notes? It sould have a better integrity with tomboy also. For example I am using sticky notes in school. I would love when I make a new note, I could choose the directory or topic in which it would put the new note in tomboy, and than I could use my wacom tablet, to draw some flow charts, or diagrams, or any other drawing I need in my note.. than I would close my stick note, and later home open the note in tomboy. So obviuos and self explanatory, and still not implemented.. why?

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